Friday, September 16, 2016


After enjoying two more delicious cinnamon rolls, we left Pebble Isle Marina.  We traveled from 0900 to 1600 before we stopped at the Clifton, Tennessee marina.  
This little tree was kicked off the island

Three of six towers on each side of the river.  Mike stopped counting wires over our heads after 36.  

Friends we caught up to and passed.  Arrived at marina two hours ahead of them.  They gained a knot every time they raised the sail.

Elwood sneaking a sip of beer

Elwood likes to be in charge of the control panel

Beer puts him to sleep

A lot of beautiful homes along the Tennessee river.  Many of them are built on rock hills.

Really rocky hills

Mike at the wheel

Sand on one side of the river and rock cliffs on the other.  

Some homes we saw had amazing wooden decks

A lot of new construction along the Tennessee.  We still aren't used to seeing all the homes on raised basements.

Amazing mother nature