Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 16th, 2017

Sailing out in the Atlantic on Tom's 28' Caliber Sailboat...
Heading out with Vicky at the helm...

The crew relaxing before the sails are raised...

Bonnie, Joell and Vicky...

Tom taking off the sail ties...

Ken, get out of the cabin or get us some drinks...

Vicky showing Mike the ropes...or lines as we call them...

Tom/owner gave instruction for the most part and went along for the ride...
He said it is nice to relax and let someone else at the helm.

We reluctantly got Joell to go forward to catch the wave action...

Like a gopher coming out the their hole... 
Hello Ken!!!

Tom testing the water with his dogs...(toes)

This was supposed to be my big cameo shot of me driving the boat...
Camera man forgot to include the wheel...

Alright, Video time...
We got Bonnie, Joell and Vickie (the animated one) all forward and we men headed for the biggest waves in the Atlantic...
For all my sailor friends, you probably recognized the Caliber emblem up on the mainsail...
with Tom giving the thumbs up...  All is Well...
Ken was finally coaxed out of his hole and put at the helm....
Looking good Ken...

The big splash...  Girls sure make a lot of noise when splashed with warm salt water...

Valentine's Day
February 14, 2017

On Valentines Day, Mike and Joell went snorkeling on the Sombrero Reef, near Marathon, Fl.  It was a beautiful calm day for skin diving with friends.  We then went to Havana Jack's for dinner with two wonderful Florida residence, who transferred from Green Bay Wisconsin.  Love those Wisconsinites 😊

There were seven of us, plus Elwood, going out to the reef snorkeling.  The others were all sailers, so it was a treat for them to be on a power boat.  They were happy to have an outside fresh water shower, after the saltwater swim.

Tom and Vicky

Tom's sister, Bonnie

Dan and Ken




Dan with his glasses inside the mask...

Tom & Bonnie
Pretty calm for being in the Atlantic Ocean...

There were a lot of other boats on the reef.  It was a perfect day.  
All boats are required to use mooring balls on the reef, so it isn't destroyed.  Boats are not allowed to anchor on the reef.  We arrived early and got one of the best mooring balls. 

Vicki adjusting her goggles

Mike spitting into his goggles to keep them from fogging...

Tom, Vicki and Bonnie



Elwood really wants to jump in with his dad

Mike and Dan.  We have a fender and line attached to the boat, just in case someone needed help.  The current is usually very strong, but of coarse it was a perfect day.  Tom is living on his boat and said this type of day at the reef is rare.

Tom, Mike and Vicki


All are enjoying the swim

Joell took most of the pictures, but Mike caught her in one.

Reef tower lights at night, to keep passing boats safe.

Vicki stayed in the water the longest.
We saw quite a few Barracuda.  They were in wait for all the bait fish.  There were a lot of Yellowtail  Snapper, beautiful blue Dory fish (that is from the movie), and many many more species.

Here's a video of fish right off the back of our boat.

At Havana Jack's we enjoyed the wonderful company of Patrick and Jane. 

Meal choices looked wonderful.    

Another view from the restaurant

Lobster Bisque (looked curdled, but tasted good)

Stuffed Lobster.  We never asked for sushi, but under cooked it was.  

The sunset view from our table was beautiful, as always in Marathon

Another view from our table

Mike and Joell on way to dinner