January 9th, 2017
The boat yard said they'd call today but didn't...
Stopped by the boat yard and their pushing us off due to a lack of tech's..
Hopefully by the end of the week they'll call...
Here's our Tides Marine Dripless Shaft Seal that's not dripless anymore...

This is where the sea water comes in, right by the drive shaft...
These photo's are for my buddy Tim (of Tim and Michell at SSYC)
Tim loves animal pictures so I thought I put a couple in here just for him...
Tim especially likes birds...(yes, I'm just kidding around with Tim)
The escort for Wounded Warriors riding there bicycles through Marathon to Key West!
Here they come....
Brought tears to our eyes watching these men and women who put their lives on the line and got hurt doing so!
A charter boat had just come in...
Pretty strange looking fish!!!
A @$%! load of crab pots...
These darn crab pot floats are in the thousands out in the Gulf and you have to drive between them for ever it seems...
Porkys BBQ place...
Joell had BBQ Chicken and I had pulled pork...
This is Dawn our great bartender at the LIGHTHOUSE GRILL located at Faro Blanco Marina and Resort...
Another transplant from the Midwest....Michigan!
This is where they care for the sea turtles...
A wall turtle...
Turtle Skeleton...
Another turtle on the wall...
Most of the turtles are alive at the hospital😀
Overlooking the pool here at Marathon Marina, waiting for the weekend storms to come in...
The pool at Marathon Marina is a salt water pool...very nice and not as salty as the Gulf or ocean...We have heard they are switching many of the pools in Florida over to saltwater. It is supposed to eliminate adding all the chemicals. Don't know if this is true.
A small RV park is a part of the Marathon marina. it only holds 8 large RV's...(here comes the storm)
We got a free boat wash about 30 minutes after this photo was taken...