Thursday, October 6, 2016

October 6th, 2016

Amateur Radio on the Loop

With Propagation being so poor over the last couple years, I was happy to hear friends from Milwaukee Wisconsin and other parts of the US talking on the Milwaukee Florida Net this morning.
Tom, K9BTQ runs the net out of Milwaukee but my copy or reception on him was lite, so John N1YV out of Connecticut picked me up and acted as a relay back to Tom from my location here in Rogersville, AL.
Thanks John!

Last evening I was listening to the Hurricane Net on 14.325 mhz and got some realtime information about Hurricane Matthew.
The net control operator here in the US was calling other ham operators in Haiti and the Bahamas.
When weather takes out all normal communications, ham radio operators are there relaying realtime information back to authorities just as they did during Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. 

The link below is a quick Youtube video from WRAL-TV which explains how Amateur Radio or Ham Radio operators help!

This is Kilo Nine Bravo Bravo November (K9BBN) marine mobile clear and listening....


  1. You are such a geek! Tim and I are so jealous!

  2. Hey Michelle, "Takes One To Know One"..... we're sooooo coooool.....
