Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30th Update...

After walking the docks at Pink Shell this morning we found one casualty.
This is a 18' Hurricane boat that was just fine at 2 am in the morning when Don and I were out walking the docks, checking the boats.

Turns out this is a rental boat brought over by the rental company the other day...

We talked with the folks that rented and drove it and they said that it wouldn't get up on plane and that they called the rental place up and wanted to exchange it for one that operated properly...  This is one of the 3 guys from the rental company trying to raise the boat...
Who knows what really happened here....


  1. That doesn't look good. Was the first boat sunk becasue of a storm?

    1. They are all pictures of the same boat. Yes, we had really strong winds and waves that night. Mike and Don were kind enough to walk the docks to make sure other boats were tied secure. A lot of partiers, not necessarily good boaters, at the dock that night. Holiday and good weather brought them in.
